Cracked Countries Conflict | Teen Ink

Cracked Countries Conflict

April 28, 2023
By Memetic SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Memetic SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
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A war of separation, turned into a war for equality

The sundered nation, the reason is a difference in polity 

Many battles bitterly fought, and many a Stonewall fell

With fighting fraught, to decide what people can dwell

The whole of the War contained between four Aprils

And all those fighting for freedom knew the perils

Freedom’s fight knew many failures, which flustered the flame inside

Especially whenever the commanding officer was revealed to be Burnside

The Proclamation at the time of three years in

The South viewed this freedom as a mortal sin

But this Emancipation was a liberties win

And it helped the process of embracing our differences begin

The South was run off many a slave driven cotton field

And the Railroad on their way to free the slaves kept their eyes peeled

The freed men fought alongside the Northern Others

Without care for the skin color of their soldier brothers

A score named four also a seven 

To indicate when America started to leaven

The trenches and fields of Gettysburg 

And the address after cemented Lincoln near the exergue

The start of the war began with the South's aggression

And by their declaration of Secession

They truly began the fight with the higher Northern progression

And the North would not allow this transgression

The attack on Fort Sumter

The  shots were like thunder

During a clear day on April 12th

The Confederates prepared to hang their helves on a Fort Sumter Shelve

The products of war created by a man’s gun

Would be told in horror to a survivor's grandson

But the freedom earned for those enslaved

Made up for all the stone engraved

The cruelty of those forced to work

Needed to change and was clear by the North's retaliatory knee jerk

But the defending of Slavery to the South was a perk

That the North would put down like clockwork

The winning of the war by the North

Allowed past slaves their freedom henceforth

And the South's cruel ideal

Was shattered upon the newly freed men's will of steel

And now these people can now go home and enjoy a well earned meal.

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