Doubt & Hope | Teen Ink

Doubt & Hope

April 19, 2023
By acytrych SILVER, Polo, Illinois
acytrych SILVER, Polo, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.

You tell me you want me - that this time will be different - and I can’t help but say yes, as this is all I ever wanted to hear. However, I realize our relationship has not and will never be monogamous.

You introduced me to Doubt the first time we met. He is a dark, sinful creature who threatens to rip at the seams of our story. He beats me day after day, destroying even the tiniest bit of desire left inside me, leaving countless scars that will never heal. I can feel him breathing down my neck every second of the day, constantly stepping on my heels, eagerly waiting to see me fall. “He will never love you.” Punch. “You are nothing in his world.” Slap. There are times when I can no longer bear the pain of his abuse. And it is at these times that I run. Run as fast as my little legs will carry me, in hopes that I will finally be able to escape this monster of a man.

One night, I accidentally stumbled into a passerby. He had dark, mysterious eyes and had the complexion of an angel. “Are you okay?” He asked worried-like. How could I possibly explain my situation? Oh, I’m in a very abusive relationship with not only one, but two men. Anyone would be taken aback by this statement; so it was to my surprise what he said. “Come with me. I can give you the life you deserve.” I can’t just simply run away, especially with you. I don’t even know your name. “The name’s Hope.” Hmmm. Why should I trust you, Hope? “You will never suffer; never feel pain again. I will provide you with a new start. A new type of love. One that will leave you full of happiness and remain constant; never ending.” At this moment, nothing could sound better. “I will pick you up in a little bit. Wait for me.” It felt as though I could finally breathe, a weight lifted all at once. I no longer had to run, and it was a future I could get used to.

I packed my bags as quickly as I could, not worrying about anything around me. I was finally going to get out! Get away from the monster that haunted me; start anew. As I finished packing, there was a knock at the door. I quickly went to answer it, heart pounding, palms sweating. I looked through the peephole to see a cheerful Hope smiling back at me. This was it! I opened the door, greeted him, and scurried off to grab my bags. When I came back, the door was wide open, Hope nowhere in sight. “Hope, you there?” No response. Something wasn’t right. I started looking around to see where he might have ran off to. Droplets of blood lined the floor, leading to a stabbed, limp figure. Hope! I ran over as quickly as I could, but it was too late. All the life was drained from his eyes, and with it, my dreams of starting over. A dark voice suddenly spoke from the shadows. “If you thought you could ever escape me, think again. You will always be mine. Forever.”

The author's comments:

My goal was to personify a set of emotions. Specifically, the emotions you feel when falling for someone you know will never love you back.

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