Looking Through the Window | Teen Ink

Looking Through the Window

April 8, 2023
By DubFlub222 BRONZE, Crossville, Tennessee
DubFlub222 BRONZE, Crossville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sit here lookin' through this window,

Listenin' to music,

Just tryna find somethin' to vibe to.

I got the volume all the way up,

'cause I wanna stop all the things in my brain,

That keep pulling me every which way.

I wanna live, but I wanna die

I want help, but I wanna fly

As I sit here

Looking through this window

Seeing these cracks in the pavement,

I have all these thoughts that keep creepin' in.

They won't let me forget,

The you that I can't get back.

And I see so many birds,

Out here dancing in the rain,

The way that we should be.

And then I remember your hate,

because they made you afraid.

I see these birds that once I loved,

And I start to hate them too, 

Because they remind me of you,

And how you're never gonna be,

right back here with me.

And that's why 

I'm at the only other place that made me happy.

But now, Instead of smiling, 

I'm here crying, while I sit here

Lookin' through this window.

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