I Cherish | Teen Ink

I Cherish

March 31, 2023
By WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed the bus.

If only I could see

Myself in the ways I be

David and Goliath,

Twenty-first century

You shun. You laugh.

You curse me out.

I live. I smile. Yet, I

Still can’t drown it out.

Had only I been given a

Story to tell; well, that story

I’ll tell and forget all else.

Just twice an hour

Just thrice a day

It’s enough time for me

To appreciate your stay

You make me forget 

Why I ever doubted myself

A hand to a hand: that’s how we walk

together, laugh together, live together.

Eyes to eyes: that’s how we talk to each other,

smile to each other, console one another.

Tonight is dark and simple.

Tonight, I smile with a great big dimple.

And, forget it not, your smile is of a ripple

warming my soul little by little.

Young is us and always. Happiness

is but the stories, lighthearted and memorable.

Blue is but our thoughts. Sigh.

Blue is but our thoughts, cold and mellow.

Cold as in the pool water of summertime.

Mellow as in the warmth of the sun, shining

on us, when the July months move slow and

come to a halt, when the skin knows it’s you,

when the brain senses it’s true, when everything 

around us is all but blue, time halts.

Then resumes and reminds me of you.

The author's comments:

I Cherish is written for a certain someone; it tells of the joyous highs of a relationship, whether it be romantic or friendly.

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