What if I did that? | Teen Ink

What if I did that?

March 29, 2023
By hunterkeches SILVER, Torrance, California
hunterkeches SILVER, Torrance, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I don’t stay focused, then how do I achieve my goals?

If I let what others say bother me, then how do I make my own decisions?

If I let others dictate my life, then is it my life?

If I allow myself to slack off, then will I go where I want?

If I don’t stand up for myself, then who will?

If I let everything out of my control bother me, does it consume me?

If I let myself be who I want, then will others see me differently?

If I don’t believe in myself, then how can I expect others to believe in me?

If I failed today and succeeded tomorrow does it mean I grew from my mistakes or does it mean the success and the failure were unrelated?

I could take it up for debate but in the end it doesn’t matter. 

And if I wasn’t writing this, would the meaning still be the same?

I can wonder all I want but I guess we’ll never know.

The author's comments:

I began my writing experience like most others; in kindergarten. It all started with a pencil and a paper with dotted lines with the letter a written above it. I started off tracing letters on lines and then progressed to writing full words and eventually sentences and in cursive. It wasn’t until high school that I discovered that I was a good writer. I had never been told that my writing was the best or that it was good. I never got the grades on my writing which proved it either. Once I started high school, the transformation of my writing started. To this day I still enjoy writing as it is a way to express myself but also gives me the opportunity to improve my writing. 

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