invisible | Teen Ink


March 25, 2023
By jasesprzaa BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
jasesprzaa BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

my voice isn't soft anymore

its strong

i want them to hear me


i NEED them to hear me

listen to my story of 

how i fell between the feelings of

sadness and loneliness

or how i'm not ready 

for day nor night

did you know my favorite color is pink

how do you not know

i've voiced this

i've said this

you should know this

why don't you know this

listen to my words

hear my dilemmas,

my sorrows,

my joys,

and my favorite color

let my words leave a print

listen to each syllable

don't let me go unheard

and invisible

The author's comments:

Something that has always hurt me the most is being ignored. Friends I've had for years don't know my birthday, favorite color, or hobbies. I want people to pay attention to what I have to say, no matter how big or how small. 

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