A Love Letter To the Universe And To You | Teen Ink

A Love Letter To the Universe And To You

February 28, 2023
By nemog49 BRONZE, Derwood, Maryland
nemog49 BRONZE, Derwood, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Love Letter to the Universe and to You. 

I’ve always loved the universe. Unknown and mysterious, full of wonder. Since I was a little girl, I’ve been in love with the stars. Our 4.5 billion-year-old yellow dwarf, a perfect mix of hydrogen and helium at the center of our solar system, to the constellations filled with red dwarfs, twinkling in the night sky. In love with the way the blue mixes with the purple to create the beauty of a galaxy. The same way I’m in love with the sky, fluffy white cirrus clouds set on a background of light blue stretching as far as the eye can see. The same way I’m in love with rain, dancing in downpours under the nimbostratus clouds, my body moving in sync with the strikes of lightning, in rhythm with the pounding of thunder. The same way I’m in love with the Earth, life-sustaining, filled with jungles, forests, deserts. The way I’m in love with volcanoes, the explosion gorgeous, an example of destruction being able to create even more life, the way it creates fertile land and islands after the ruination. The way I’m in love with the ocean, 80% unexplored, unconquered, filled with marine creatures diving into its depths and daring to stay wild, the water salty, uncaring of mankind, abundant, and overflowing. The way I’m in love with forests, with their wildlife and creatures, the stuff of movies and novels, ecosystems independent and healthy, trees and foliage always reaching for the sun. But of all these things I love, there’s nothing more wonderous, more mysterious, more alluring than you. You with all your charm, outshining all the stars, the brightest thing in my galaxy. I revolve around you, with all of your talent and with all of your genius. You with all of your grace, and all of your scars, dazzling. You, perfectly reckless, searching for greatness. You, in all of your perfect imperfection. You are my universe. You are everything I’ve loved. You are pure magic and I can spend the rest of my life learning about you, getting lost within you. I love you to the edge of space and back, ever-expanding love, in all of time, and all of every possible universe. I love you. I choose you.

The author's comments:

Hi! I'm Naima Goffney, a junior at Richard Montgomery High School in Maryland(Class of 2024), and I wrote this poem a day before Valentine's day. I'm a very nature and space-loving girl, and I really love my partner. I hope you enjoy this poem! 

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This article has 1 comment.

gabs_w GOLD said...
on Mar. 6 2023 at 8:40 pm
gabs_w GOLD, Portland, Oregon
10 articles 0 photos 94 comments
Wow. Just wow. This is so so beautiful. Great job!!!