The Hiding Place of Rain | Teen Ink

The Hiding Place of Rain

January 31, 2023
By JacksonSonnemann BRONZE, Harltand, Wisconsin
JacksonSonnemann BRONZE, Harltand, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The hiding place of rain shivers underneath the sounds of rushing cars.

The hiding place of rain sits close to the cool rushing river.

The hiding place of rain resides with the pets that are left with no home.

The hiding place of rain feels like the hundreds of small pebbles pressing into your knees.

The hiding place of rain smells like the litter drivers throw out their window.

The hiding place of rain looks sad and plain compared to its lively surroundings.

The hiding place of rain is a cold, dirty, lifeless, cramped, underside of a busy bridge. 

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