My Name is Brooke | Teen Ink

My Name is Brooke

January 31, 2023
By 3mclaughlin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3mclaughlin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Brooke. It means a small stream. Like my name, I am a lively, majestic brook: burbling and rushing, yet providing a soothing presence. I am a jewel blue stream gently curving through the forest, hopping over rocks, and merrily dancing around trees. Constantly changing and adapting. I am the wearer of many hats: daughter, sister, student, tennis coach, friend. I am a refreshing respite from the dense thick forest. A destination. And a journey. I am both lively and calm. The Brooke who is the life of the party, singing and dancing freely in the neon lights as well as the introspective Brooke who likes to read and write late at night in bed. Like the mesmerizing brook, I am the liquid heartbeat of the forest,  energizing and calming all at the same time. I am the swirling brook that turns calm and crystal clear. Sparkling with a thousand sapphires. My eyes are painted with the subtle sweep of a painter’s brush to match the shimmering reflection. Glinting brightly, the brook opens its mouth to a sublime waterfall. Giving way to her awesome presence the brook is both strong and gentle. Showing strength and competitiveness in my tennis match and tenderness and compassion with my teammates. I am the leader of my team, independent and fierce, yet kind, helpful, and accommodating. I am a small stream. A large, small stream. I am Brooke. 

The author's comments:

This is who I am, my personality, and what my name means on a deeper level! 

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