Academic Failure | Teen Ink

Academic Failure

December 15, 2022
By Adeline GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
Adeline GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

I don’t think Pluto imagined this

Tired eyes and blank faces

Children hoping for disasters or causes to cancel school

Repeating, memorizing, testing,

Thinking only when to told to do so

Repeating the same mistakes as before without a care

Throwing away knowledge for a grade that is meaningless in the long term

We ignore ancient philosophies for modern bigotry 

We continue to kill creativity in return for robots

Individualism is crushed till no one knows who they really are

Taking advantage of impressionable youths and turning them into clay

Molding them into the perfect image of society, what it might need in a few years

They hope to make it to adulthood without issues, but it’s not guaranteed

Adulthood brings challenges to their minds and they shut down

The education they received was useless and is thrown out the minute the doors close

Education is failing its purpose and the results are tangible

The students crumble and no one catches them

The students are walked upon and kicked when laying there for a minute

They are lazy, they don’t try, they just don’t care

Why are we like this, why are they like this?

We aren’t supposed to be like this, yet here we are.

Fighting to be a human in a world full of robots

Outcasted by those we hold close for thinking differently. 

Education was supposed to be the light in the dark,

A gift granted to us by something more,

Yet it has become shackles carting us off to prison

And no one will fix what they don’t believe is broken.

The author's comments:

I have realized I am not ready to graduate.

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