The Dollar Bill | Teen Ink

The Dollar Bill

October 26, 2022
By faithqiao SILVER, Fremont, California
faithqiao SILVER, Fremont, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"O brave new world, that has such people in it" —John, The Savage, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

Who has touched this dollar bill? 

Many people, 

it has passed from one hand 

to the next, 

wrinkled and worn in sweaty jean pockets,

stolen and retrieved by rich from poor

But this is all from before

After gold laid rest,

and the British befallen,

After oil boomed fast,

and the bomb that blew a fest

the dollar who buried families 

too many with sin

But glory be begotten

in time it will be forgotten

For the dollar be worth

no cent it was before.

And now, who touches

no plague be warned next

For the dollar now rests,

in no hands that bless.

The author's comments:

The dollar bill represents the entirety of currency from its birth into an aspiration for its future. Money and wealth has created conflict, but this poem expresses the hope that one day wealth will no longer be a something people desire. 

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