The Most Beautiful Anything | Teen Ink

The Most Beautiful Anything

October 25, 2022
By TannerH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
TannerH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Possession of the mass is an extreme negative,

a man who has everything desires anything but everything.

Nature is boundless, full of beauty yet simplistic beyond measure,

chirps, whistling of waving branches, crunches of leaves.

Blue seas, green trees, flying bees,

scents are so crisp even colognes do not compare.

The hot sun burns my skin,

making me crave a cold shower.

Fluffy pillows in the sky pass gracefully,

my mind relaxes while watching them.

The ocean waves crash down,

calming down, however, before touching my feet.

Trees mold to the wind and dance to its beautiful tones,

witnessing nature’s professional choreography.

A flock of birds circles the sky and any empty space,

victims of mass urbanization.

Hot sand floods the ground,

making for a comfy seat.

I am not a man of everything, nor do I possess the masses,

but I desire anything but everything.

Nature is this anything that is always there,

I don’t possess it yet it encapsulates everything I want.

Endless in size, full of wonder, reminiscent of my five-year-old imagination,

Nature brings out the innocence of me I once felt was lost.

The author's comments:

Used as an intergenerational piece.

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