Mirrored Memory | Teen Ink

Mirrored Memory

October 24, 2022
By crossofthenorth SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
crossofthenorth SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reflections, mirrored expressions


Looking through the glass of a mirror 

mirrors a new perspective.

This memory begins with a leap into a sailboat floor

Lake Michigan’s ripples reflect cloudy day chaos

Whistling water waves “hello 

A short lived calm 

before the wonder

storm begins.

Pull the rope, raise the sail.

A wail is heard 

from the wise captain, 


We travel in shades 

of rusted copper green

We share our souls with space 

rented to us by mother nature.

Time seemingly slows 

when Milwaukee’s skyline is seen from a distance.

For a moment, 

the US Bank skyscraper shares the height of a beach–sat tree 

For a moment,

we are equivalent.

Reflections, mirrored expressions

Keel piercing the current

A hushed veil of dew

Rippled, muted, altered

Memories, textured with time

These moments move, soundless

The surface scraped; depth unknown.

A gentle launch–a reflex

Calloused hands hoist higher

Until there is no further


This is the time,

The hundredth, thousandth, millionth

Each time is

The first time

The last time

The only time

Buoyant, borrowed,

busy time

This buoyancy is ours.

The author's comments:

Connection with nature without a sign to tell you to appreciate it.  Sailing on Lake Michigan with only yourself and friends to find something great.

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