Killed at the Hands of Spotlight | Teen Ink

Killed at the Hands of Spotlight

September 30, 2022
By crossofthenorth SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
crossofthenorth SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To be Kim, before Kardashian

The penultimate night of the kidnapping at Manhattan’s hands

Loving what I’m doing, not doing what they love

Camera slashes are not yet attempts to hunt

The water I have is not yet “sparkling, with slices of lime”,

for the world to dissect

Now, burnt navy fills the once clear horizon

Having become a jungle for others to inhabit,

I now hide behind the woods of what used to be home

To live each night without sleep

Only to be awoken by my coffee stained shirt.

A party that burns — to the bone.

The author's comments:

In the Creative Writing class I’m taking we had a unique prompt to use every phrase from a list we made in the piece for the day.  I wrote the first line and continued to write from the perspective of a celebrity (not anyone in specific) to tell the story of how life changes before and after fame kills you.

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