(I know you don’t) | Teen Ink

(I know you don’t)

August 13, 2022
By writingintheleaves BRONZE, White Hall, Maryland
writingintheleaves BRONZE, White Hall, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Thinking is my fighting." -Virginia Woolf

I don’t know if you like me. 

But, I think you do

I think you do because I know that you like the way I tuck my hair underneath of my jacket collar 

And my you compliment my eyes

And you compliment my brain 

And you joke about the way I bite my lip when I focus 

And you tell me I’m an original. 

“We’re all snowflakes, Jack.”

(Don’t look at him. Take the antiderivative and then square.)

And the way that my eyebrows haphazardly twinge when when you do those things 

Because I don't know if you like me 

And you know that I don’t. 

You know that I don’t 

And you know that beyond my snide remarks 

and eyerolls 

and the calls I ignore 

and the way that I force you my shoulder 

It's because I don’t know

And I’m defensive 

Because I don’t know if you like me 

And you know that I don’t. 

I toss on a worn sweatshirt that smells like the perfume I put on in my bedroom mirror.

Clean faced

Pumpkin guts stuck beneath my nails (I don’t know what i’m going to be for Halloween).

I give myself a once over. 

My hair underneath the crewneck collar is my comfort. 

My jeans, stained with chai from a rush up the third floor stairwell, are faithful. 

The weathered denim my refuge,

and dirty white sneakers my old friends. 

And you, my stupid, silly, ridiculous reason (What am I doing?)

My reason to come to this stadium and stand 

And stare (at the helmets dashing the lines)

And pretend. 

Pretend that I don’t care

Touchdown; I smile 

Go Bulls. 

I don’t care. 


I don’t know if you see me. 

I don’t know if you like me. 

Why am I here?


I don’t want fries (I would feel them in my throat). 

There you are. 

I understand it now (My stomach hurts).

Instantly, I understand it now (My stomach hurts).

She doesn’t know if you like her. 

But she thinks she knows because you warmed up her hands (Just tell them you don’t feel well).

And you compliment her eyes (Just go. Just leave, It’s okay).

Touchdown; she smiles

Go Bulls (She has a beautiful smile). 

And you know that she doesn’t know if you like her

And that’s why you do. 

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 17 2022 at 9:10 pm
ILiveToRead PLATINUM, Wailuku, Hawaii
24 articles 3 photos 150 comments
That was- amazing. So much so that I feel the word "amazing" is too cliche to even adequately compliment you. But I am so speechless and impressed that my brain is not functioning to it's fullest extent, and so as i said previously- amazing.

Afra ELITE said...
on Aug. 17 2022 at 8:23 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Whoa!!! This was fantabulous...