Our American Reality | Teen Ink

Our American Reality

June 28, 2022
By Word_Dragon BRONZE, Durham, Connecticut
Word_Dragon BRONZE, Durham, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments


Where our bodies are not our own

Government’s orders


Where the police beat us to death 

Government’s blindness


Where so many of us can’t afford to feed ourselves 

Government’s greed 


Where we shut out those who need us most 

Government’s amnesia 


Where our children are shot to death 

Government’s apathy 


Where we pledge liberty and justice for all 

Where we sing of the home of the brave 

And the land of the free 

Where we speak of the American Dream 

But this is the truth: 

Liberty and justice for some 

They are cowards 

And we are trapped 

Welcome to our American Nightmare 

Wake Up

The author's comments:

I know this is probably going to offend some of you, but look around. Our country is failing so many people right now, we need to do something before it's too late. Ask yourself, is this really the world I want for my children? Is this the world I want for myself? 

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