Drift Off | Teen Ink

Drift Off

June 10, 2022
By Jperez10 BRONZE, Oak Park, Illinois
Jperez10 BRONZE, Oak Park, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roaring splinters from shuddering cars

and drifts through a sill into crashing waves of 

sound, air, and dust. A fan stirs the stew of ambient 

noise and static darkness. Cold sheets shock 

agitation out from each individual cell and nerve and

I feel it join the clutter. The click of a switch

flushes the glow back into a bulb of glass.

Silence criss-crosses its threads into a woven

blanket. The day sits patiently at the door frame

just out of my sight. At first each blink blends with

obscurity but as my pupils tune themselves away from

the nighttime harmony I can’t stop myself. There’s no

lock for my eyes to keep themselves from vaulting

to the chair, the closet, the desk. 

Papers tower like cities with untidy scribbles, a hamper

spies from behind a wall, an inviting chair opens its arms.

I can feel my thoughts marching in droves outward. I

rein them in and my eyelashes create a seal. Inside

they tumble and crash and I will wait for them to

cascade down in weary raindrops. 

It's been two hours.

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