Us. | Teen Ink


May 16, 2022
By jxshua444 BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
jxshua444 BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For he was my sun 

and I was the moon

from lovers to none 

to strangers before noon

7:37; he shall depart

7:39 we drift apart

force so strong like an ocean current 

smile so bright life just can’t ignore it 

love that felt ancient 

but our love was so young 

was it yin and yang? 

two yangs but no yin

 i said goodbye when I saw fret 

he said goodbye when he was set 

The author's comments:

I came up with this piece a while back to describe what heartbreak could feel like, and the different perspectives a break up could set on two individuals. :)

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