Fortune | Teen Ink


April 1, 2022
By amandahao SILVER, Foster City, California
amandahao SILVER, Foster City, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ordering dish after dish, hearing the hiss, sizzle,

snap, enveloped in unfamiliar comfort.

Diving deep down depths of dolphins,

scuba diving pork and underwater

beef. Sushi and sashimi jump out

to me, held close as my bouquet.

Squid and shrimp, united by sharp

sticks, crimson red dripping. Fortune

cookies scattered around, beige-shelled

destinies spelled out definitively:

Pleasures await you by the sea.

Slips and destinies thrown aside, my

hands found the strewn skewers,

preparing for the battle of the best.

The will of Mulan surging within.

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