Marching Orders | Teen Ink

Marching Orders

February 24, 2022
By aubryconway SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
aubryconway SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sea green lichen, fuschia wildflowers, and tall sweet magnolias

Golden sun, shining its rays down on the emerald grass

Cloven hoof deer, poof tailed squirrels, birds that sing from valley to valley

off to the side, a clear blue pond filled with koi fish that go glub glub glub

The forest was abundant and full of wild plants and animals

flowers grow tall and strong

Animals of all different kinds romped around without a care

It seemed as if not one thing could harm these gifts of life


Then come the lumberjacks

Marching into the forest like soldiers marching into battle

Big, burly men with axes made of the most disgustingly silver material

Their muddy boots stomping through the forest, crushing the grass

They have an air of confidence, as if this forest could be destroyed with ease

The first strike has been made

A tall magnolia falls gracefully to the ground

And then another, more and more trees falling as they are struck

But that's not all, once the whole forest had been cleared from

End to end, the exotic plants taken from the root

Pond dirtied with their leftover lunch

Small creatures killed for breakfast

It was then they finally left

The forest had once been a place full of life and purpose

now it is a wasteland filled with trash and empty stumps

The once graceful magnolias now show pieces of furniture

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