The forth of July | Teen Ink

The forth of July

February 24, 2022
By VannaBandit SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
VannaBandit SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind tastes like fair food
Huge corndogs, tons of cookies, too much cotton candy
The sound of all the laughter
Running rides, screams of joy, lines and lines of people
The sight of everyone so happy
Big colorful rides, lots and lots candy, tons of rigged games
The feeling of the bar when it straps me in tight
Smooth, hot, staticy
My stomach doing somersaults
One, two, three
Then a jerk when the ride starts and I squeez the bar as tight as I can
I get dizzy, sick to my stomach, and a bad headache from the spinning and moving really fast
Then I come to a sudden stop and all I can think is “I want to do that again!”

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