The Body | Teen Ink

The Body

February 16, 2022
By Ashrose1037 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Ashrose1037 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the scent of dew glazed grass lingered in the air

I drag my body into the meadows by its hair

my fingers tangled in the golden locks

blades flicking at my ankles as I walk

empty white flowers cling to my face

as if they didn’t want me in the first place

but I do not care what the trees have to say

they'll all be stumps one day anyway

I hate you for what you said

now you’ll never say anything again

now you’ll decay like the leaves below my feet

the warm breeze brushes the gold hair from your eyes

you were my body

and now

I’ll bury you.

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