frogkisser | Teen Ink

frogkisser MAG

February 4, 2022
By quinn-is-on-fire SILVER, Chester, Connecticut
quinn-is-on-fire SILVER, Chester, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The anger is, I have no power, but I'm full of opinions" - Fran Lebowitz

i carved my initials into everything i touched 

until they were no longer mine. 


there are eyeballs in the electrical sockets

and an audience in my brain waiting 


for you to pound on the walls and scream

for puddle jumping into the next life,


the next name. mascara tastes like baby,

please, please don’t cry


i remember you like me: boy

body fairy-godmothering period stains.


put your hands at my hip dips

and tell me you don’t feel the new bones?


if i change my name,

maybe i’ll turn into a prince after all.

The author's comments:

I am transgender non-binary and my pronouns are They/Them.

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