Coyote Face | Teen Ink

Coyote Face

February 1, 2022
By Andythenerd BRONZE, Wentsville, Missouri
Andythenerd BRONZE, Wentsville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Force answers force, war breeds war, and death only brings death. To break this vicious circle one must do more than just act without any thought or doubt." Khan, Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky

Oh hey coyote face

Broken snoot and long ears

Mind dazed from a loss

Broken sight always full of fuzz

Lack of true emotion or life

Oh poor coyote face welcome to the real world

Where dreams can't live on for much long

Where the long lost fears of childhood rise out of the grave

Remember gotta make everyone proud 

With the stress of a dreamless sleep taking over

Just don't worry coyote face

The author's comments:

This poem is about my fear of the real world. How I must go from being a child to the real world. It's very rough but this poem helps me explain it. My fear of losing things I love and now getting nightmares nightly are also shown in this poem. I hope it helps you and lets you understand that you're not alone.

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