These Trees | Teen Ink

These Trees

January 13, 2022
By boredcatwantstoread BRONZE, Chaing Mai, Wisconsin
boredcatwantstoread BRONZE, Chaing Mai, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look for a beautiful thing and you will find it. It is not far, it will never be far."
-Sara Teasdale

These trees grew in the city
In the little squares allotted for them
They bear marks of the past and yet
We contained them with cement and tiles
the roots are pushing through the cracks between the tiles
Breaking free of the boxes they were put in

The author's comments:

In this poem, I wanted to represent the past, the present, and the future and show how they are all connected. The trees show the past, but they have been put in "boxes" in the sidewalk, which represents the present and how we often try and contain the past and make it exactly how we want it to be. However, we can never truly contain the past, just as the trees push through the cracks in the tiles, and will continue to do so in the future. 

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