Advice to my Younger Self | Teen Ink

Advice to my Younger Self

January 4, 2022
By akuzzy BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
akuzzy BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No need to worry, 

About what others will think. 

Just be yourself, 

And if they don’t like that, 

Then they weren’t worth your time anyway. 

It’s stress-free, 

And more fun, 

Not caring about others' opinions. 

This way, 

By being yourself, 

You will find the ones, 

Who truly appreciate you, 

For who you really are.

The author's comments:

When I was younger I would always struggle with being comfortable around other people because I seemed to be worried about what they thought of me. But as I grew older I learned that it is a lot easier to just be myself.  It is a lot easier said than done but I hope anyone else that feels the same way can get there eventually. 

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