Little Flame | Teen Ink

Little Flame

December 16, 2021
By AkoPocko BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
AkoPocko BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A burning flame that grows and grows when being cautious is out the window. Letting it have its way by hearing its opinion and agreeing thoughtlessly. Why did you leave the golden spark to glitter when it has such a dangerous bite? Are you so careless that you only do without even thinking about the scorching burns it could leave?

Though, I guess I can't really blame you. It starts by just looking so innocent with its little gentle frame that makes you second guess how harmful it could actually be. Though, this so called gentle little guy can catastrophically damage anything in its place. Being merciless to everyone in its path, whatever or whoever it might be. So please heed my warning and don't be deceived next time by the timid beginning and save everyone before anything could ever happen at the start.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to regard that somethings can look harmless, but can affect you in bigger ways in the future. You can think of it literal or maybe it has another meaning, it's up to your imagination. I just want people to enjoy writing and reading.

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