Insanity | Teen Ink


December 7, 2021
By sguzzoni25 BRONZE, Weston, Connecticut
sguzzoni25 BRONZE, Weston, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rolling in waves it pushes through my bones

Threatening to slice them in half

Shaking my core and barricading past my lips

But the more I try to refrain it

The less it chooses to obey me

Working in a sort of tug of war

Where the more I pull the rope

The closer I am to losing

It finds its own voice in my mind

Whispering truths and lies into my ears

Until my perception becomes unclear

I can no longer distinguish the difference between morality and immorality

As my sanity gets ripped away from my hands

The author's comments:

I was lying in bed and I remember I couldn't sleep. I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and the words flowed onto the page with little thought. I started to question myself and my beliefs. In that moment I felt lost. This piece of writing made me realize how it was ok to feel lost because once I shared it with others, I realized that I wasn't alone. 

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