confused is the word to describe my state of mind at all times | Teen Ink

confused is the word to describe my state of mind at all times

November 14, 2021
By anushka_sharma BRONZE, Kathmandu, Other
anushka_sharma BRONZE, Kathmandu, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?" - Pam Beesly

she was in her own little space...
wanting to be one of those who had their head held high due to grace but like a butterfly, before it flies, she too was wrapped around the society's lies
from a very young age, she was told that she wouldn't reach as high as the potentates
at the age of nine, she realized how she stood out in the line
but at the age of twelve, she thought "is this just a waste of time?"
just how the bright clouds fade away after sunset,
her dreams flew away as the voices inside her head pretended.
several years passed by,
she realized tip-toeing through life was something that she couldn't do all the time.
"confused is the word to describe my state of mind at all times"
"this feeling of mine as though in this bumpy journey of ours that we call "life", nothing will be burning quite right"
"a spark of mine is just not shining as bright..."
"but, it's about time that I won't let that spark just pass by"

The author's comments:

I'm a 17-year-old who just likes to pour out my thoughts on a piece of paper whenever I feel like it. :) 

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