I Wonder... | Teen Ink

I Wonder...

November 12, 2021
By olympiansun BRONZE, Albany, Georgia
olympiansun BRONZE, Albany, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pray and live your life, pray and live your life- Giveon

Sometime I wonder...

How far I might go.

How far I may live.

They say life is short.

So am I wrong for wanting more time?

No, I am just human.

With my flaws rooted within me from my head to my toes.

Sometimes I wonder.

How long will it be until I too have to go?

The author's comments:

This poem was written on 7/22/20 in a journal that was gifted to me at the peak of quartine when I was only 14 years old. As I flipped through the lost journal I discovered this piece. I simply became emotional as I flashbacked to the day I wrote it. All the pain and lonelyness I sat with in silence and darkness. The wisdom and questions I asked just thinking to myself made me realize the potential I have. In which sometimes I forget I do have do to the world's coldhearted realities. I assume this will not get that much attention, but to the read or readers reading this thank you. I appreciate you still being here and reading my poem.

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