Heartbeat | Teen Ink


November 10, 2021
By Gh0stburr BRONZE, Union City, Ohio
Gh0stburr BRONZE, Union City, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People say friends come and go, that not everyone stays

That in the end I’ll be alone, And for a long time, Almost all my life

I believe that. 

But recently that was proven wrong

After breaking free from a cage, A cage I was put in for almost 2 years

I now realize who my true friends are

The people who have stayed

The people who waited for me to break free from the shackles

Hands that have picked me up,

Hands that are willing to gently graze my scarred skin

Skin that has been picked and slashed at by my own nails

I would do anything if it means I can protect the heartbeats

Heartbeats that belong to those who stayed 

Heartbeats that belong to those who understand me,

People I call family. People I would ride or die for, those people have stayed even when they have had every chance to leave. 

They stayed, and I will forever be grateful for them

Heartbeats that strive to be themselves, that strive for freedom

Heartbeats I need to protect. 

Thank you. For not leaving, 

We’ve had ups and downs, breakdowns and chaotic moments. 

Moments I hold close

Thank you. 

Morgan, Izzy, Mal, Dylan, Caleb, Xion, Caroline, and Alex. 

For never giving up on me, I love you all, you're my family 

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