Tiny Tattooed Hearts | Teen Ink

Tiny Tattooed Hearts

September 28, 2021
By lilysiegel24 BRONZE, New York, New York
lilysiegel24 BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
One of the deep secrets in life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carroll

If tiny hearts appeared on your hand 

every time I thought of your smile,

Would you run to wash them off 

or get them tattooed? 

If I passed you in the street,

Would I see my love reflected back at me?


You sit, bathed in the golden light of a tired star. 

Your face blurred and smudged.

I lay down next to you regardless

and rest my head on your shoulder. 

I feel the electricity of your gaze

like a warm blanket on my skin.

With a book placed on your lap

safe in hands that were forged to hold mine,

The madness of my mind is finally serene.

Our hands, together, 

Riddled with tiny tattooed hearts.


As we slowly drift to sleep,

your hair is prettier than the twinkling of the night sky. 

I dream of dancing with you, 

drifting through the soft memories of our past.

I smile into our everlasting kiss. 


The author's comments:

I love drawing tiny hearts on my hands, so if I pass you on the street you better have some tiny hearts on your hands too. 

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