An Artist's Art | Teen Ink

An Artist's Art

September 2, 2021
By Anonymous

Why is art worth more after the artist is dead?  
couldn’t people buy before he died instead?  
Their art reflects their life, 
the stories they want to tell.  
Yet their struggle and strife,  
was overlooked as they fought through hell
Through the artists' trials and hardships,   
they had no fame or fellowship. 
Companioned by financial woes and worries, 
now their name is in art history studies. 
From an asylum to the walls of a museum, 
why did it take a coffin for anyone to see them? 

The author's comments:

Something about me is that I am about to turn 18 years old. Which is kind of werid to think about considering I have been waiting to be adult since I was told I was "too young". I think I wrote this piece because people never seem to appreciate things until it is too late.

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