my little big town | Teen Ink

my little big town

August 17, 2021
By balisticlonghead BRONZE, Glen Burnie, Maryland
balisticlonghead BRONZE, Glen Burnie, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

while you’re stuck watching friday night football,

showing someone new the creaks of your floorboard,

and seeing how much beer five dollars can get you, 

i will be sitting on a roof with my person—singing until the burn in our throats is unbearable.

we’ll admire the abandoned buildings with bansky-inspired art strewn on the walls

and steal trinkets we find downtown to add to our wunderkammer.

in my little big town, 

the only thing we have is time

and the only choice we have

is how we spend it.

The author's comments:

i say that surburbia is overlooked. i say that we should keep our eyes peeled and look past the dozens parking lots and fast food chains. there may be something there that wasn't there before.

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