The Hidden Enemy of Society | Teen Ink

The Hidden Enemy of Society

August 2, 2021
By zacchpatt28 BRONZE, Winder, Georgia
zacchpatt28 BRONZE, Winder, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you go through life experiencing nothing you’ve already died”

yes i despise the rich

who judge us from their skyscraping castles and lavish abodes

who could stand and make a change

but would rather stand back and collect change

yes i hate the rich

who contribute nothing but delusions on which the youth trip

convincing them to work till they drop

just so their own corporate machine doesnt stop

yes i detest the rich

with fake faces that tell lies to us all

they tell us they care but they’d rather be in space than here

because they brought the end that is near

while the poor go hungry and weary

what must be done becomes more and more clear

our mouths are empty

but its fine because when we eat the rich? there will be plenty

The author's comments:

As a college student I am constantly told by spoiled, privileged, rich people to just work harder and I'll be rich and successful, as if I'd ever want to be rich. I just find it woefully ironic but irritating that people who have never had to work a day in their life telling people to work harder to fuel a system that only benefits those at thr very top. From this frustration this poem was conceived 

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