I Believe in Soulmates | Teen Ink

I Believe in Soulmates

July 20, 2021
By EdenOlifant SILVER, Montgomery, Illinois
EdenOlifant SILVER, Montgomery, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in soulmates

The kind that hold your hand

People that smile 

Stay for a while

Help you grow

And teach a lesson before they go. 

Animals that spend their life

Tied to your heart

With love and affection

Before they part

Friends who stick by

Always there 

Forever at your side

They are your string of fate

Far better than any romantic mate,

Filled with advice and laughter

Promising to be there after

Each and every storm.

Those are the soulmates I think are real

The people who go and the people who steal

A chunk of your lungs

And a piece of your soul 

Who make life brighter

The room somehow lighter

Those who you love

And subsequently hate 

That hide your keys 

And never take the bait

You set out carefully 

to make them leave

Because the universe has plans achieve

We are meant to be together

Like it or not

Fate wrote the story

The gods simply watch

Proof made by two

Yes, I believe in soulmates

Because I met you. 

The author's comments:

A real soulmate is someone who you can loose in infinite timelines, countless stories and find again in another life. They will love you, and hate you, and they will be there rain or shine. I have had many a soulmate, leaving when the time was right for them. I have one has stayed and I love her more than a poem could communicate. 

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