Fox Bead | Teen Ink

Fox Bead

July 19, 2021
By laurencho BRONZE, Seoul, Other
laurencho BRONZE, Seoul, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The bead sat

in serrated forgiveness


His throat varnished with betrayal,

tempered like the corpse


The last breath racks and heaves,

he watched her decay


As the sunlight loses

its mercury lustre


As her tails, all nine,

shed their vitality and hopes


The ants devour it all,

he manipulates the bead from her


Hands, bruised, swallowing

a glassy fortress of souls


The light glanced off her

bared fangs, he watched


Gold rays rippling from the East

this morning, the birds


Were silenced as he

contemplated, looking skywards


The secrets of the heavens unveiled,

he looked down at the Earth,


To forge the blueprint

of mankind, a hundred wayward


Phantoms suspended to his fingertips,

he closed his eyes


And felt around for her cold carcass,

taking her head into his hands


He began to peel off her pelt

as the sun drowned and began to set.

The author's comments:

Lauren Hyunseo is a rising senior at Korea International School. Lauren has always found herself in a balancing act of sorts: attempting to balance modernity with tradition, Korean culture with American. In navigating her identity, she has developed a passion for issues of cultural discrimination and philosophy. Her love for writing serves to produce poems of her take on these ideas, stemming from her personal experiences as well as her holistic views and metaphorical interpretations.

Fox Bead was inspired by a traditional Korean folktale of the nine-tailed fox, a mythical creature originating from East Asian folklore. In particular, this poem took inspiration from a folktale in which the nine-tailed fox aspired to become human. To do so, she had to swallow a bead containing the soul of a human, every day for one hundred days.

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