Devil's Cries | Teen Ink

Devil's Cries

June 16, 2021
By yashasvidurani BRONZE, Gurugram, Other
yashasvidurani BRONZE, Gurugram, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A devil resides in my mind,

And does only one thing,

Criticize each and every decision of mine.

Reminding me that the world 

Is not as good as it seems,

Telling me that people won't stay 

One day everyone will leave,

Commanding me not to trust,

Not to have faith, not to believe.

"You are treating them so nicely, 

Will they be nice to you?"

"You are being so kind,

Will they be kind too?"

Not only in my mind,

But this devil exists in everyone's life.

I will ignore his words as long as I am alive 

But then, the question arises 

"Will you also ignore him

Or fall prey to all of his cries?"

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