Tomorrow | Teen Ink


May 23, 2021
By KaylaMaguire BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
KaylaMaguire BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What am I going to do tomorrow?

Maybe I’ll become a one hit wonder,

Become a daredevil, that even critics will have to adore.

Become the ruler of a small country,

But that all sounds boring.

So, I’ll settle for being someone

That’s happy to be themselves.

The only problem is 

What if I get bored of that?

Because in the next 10,000 miles

I could change a whole lot,

And that scares me.

What scares me more is not even being remembered at all,

But that is something I will deal with another day.

I’ve got homework due later.

The author's comments:

Kayla Maguire

Sioux City, IA 51108

May 21, 2021

Dear Poetry Editor: 

I am submitting a poem entitled “Tomorrow” for consideration in Teen Ink.

I am a high school junior at Bishop Heelan in Sioux City, Iowa. I was recommended to submit my manuscript for Teen Ink by my Creative Writing I teacher.

Please recycle my manuscript if it does not fit your editorial needs. I hope to hear from you soon. 


Kayla Maguire

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