False hope | Teen Ink

False hope

May 12, 2021
By sijieyu BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
sijieyu BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was the one thing

That I hold on to in despair

In the dark and gloomy night of spring

It was glittering like flare


I followed it, hoping and waiting

Being so unsure and unaware

Full of hope, I was blindly following

Until it betrayed me without a glimpse of care


False hope gave me an instant moment of happiness

The author's comments:

“False Hope” is a type of quatrain poetry, and the central theme of this poem is obviously about false hope. At the start people blindly followed them; however, eventually they would discover that the hope didn’t really exist at all, and they would have a feeling of being tricked. In my opinion, false hope is worse than no hope at all, since after one realized that hope isn’t real, one would feel even more disappointed than before.

An experience of one of my relatives inspired me to write the poem. My great-grandfather had cancer when he was 82 years old. After going to a lot of hospitals he was told that his cancer was inoperable. At that time, most of his relatives knew that he was going to pass away soon. However, one month later, a doctor told him that there was a 30% chance that his tumor could be treated. His family members began to have hope for him, and he also began to have faith in himself. However, it turned out that the tumor was malignant and still couldn’t be treated. After that, he soon passed away because he didn’t have the strength or the motivation to fight disease anymore and became even more depressed than before. After finding out that the hope was not real, his families became even more disheartened because of his death.

Elements used include simile, alliteration, and rhythm. Simile is used in the first stanza. In the sentence “It was glittering like flares”, false hope is compared to flares, which showed that it seemed like a savor for “me”, who is going through a difficult time. Alliteration is used in the

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