A Writer’s Eulogy | Teen Ink

A Writer’s Eulogy

May 7, 2021
By LSternlieb BRONZE, Short Hills, New Jersey
LSternlieb BRONZE, Short Hills, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I crushed

Your typewriter


The ink


The metal 

And relishing

The gears

Rolling off the table

Misshapen and Defective 

Do not fear 

For I 

Sent flickers of flames

To your work


The crackle of sizzled paper

I watch

Hearing the faintest 


Through the blackened structure 

And charred parchment

I listen to your 




As they wither away

Burned to dust

Forever will they remain



I wait

For someday

You will smolder

My voice

My thoughts

My freedom

Just like I have done to you

But for now I linger

Thinking of how some things simply disappear

Like your words vanishing into smoke

The author's comments:

My name is Lily  and I a freshman living in New Jersey. Reading and writing represent to me the idea of being completely limitless. Where other aspects of my life can be painfully restrictive, writing and reading are utterly infinite, edgeless, and unending in what I can produce and discover within myself. Whether I am flipping through the pages of science fiction paperbacks or obsessively scribbling in three-ringed notebooks, I love finding foreign worlds and past centuries to explore. There is something about completely disappearing into a character or concept that I find extremely liberating. Writing and reading symbolize a rare mixture of productive escapism, a mentality, and an approach that I apply to my everyday life.

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