I Told the Stars About You | Teen Ink

I Told the Stars About You

April 27, 2021
By katiearly BRONZE, Summerfield, North Carolina
katiearly BRONZE, Summerfield, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I told the stars about you

I asked them if our love was true

They shimmered and glimmered and shone so bright,

I know in my heart that it must be right

For they know more than we

I told the rain about you

And the fresh morning dew

And on the roof, the soft pitter patter

And the beads forming on the latter

Told me that the stars were right

I told the bees about you

Watching them pollinate flowers so blue

Sticking around to share their buzz

Helped me understand that indeed love ‘twas

For they know more than we

I told the sky about you

And the clouds as well, though there were few

They slowly but surely drifted by

But I still understood their supportive reply

The dull response gave me no fright

I told all of the world about you

And our love was doubted by few

We will spend our lives like Morrie,

Telling others our love story

About how the stars destined our love, 

For they know more than we.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for an English assignment about love. I am a hopeless romantic who has been in a relationship for almost 2 years, so I wanted to write a love poem :D I hope you like it!

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