Time's Small Miracles | Teen Ink

Time's Small Miracles

April 11, 2021
By vanshitag SILVER, San Jose, California
vanshitag SILVER, San Jose, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate Mondays 

I can’t wait for Fridays

I can’t wait for the next weekend

the next summer to begin

I can’t wait to turn eighteen so that I am an adult 

a responsible, free, mature grown-up

I can’t wait to turn twenty-one

Nights full of partying and dancing with someone

I’ve spent my whole life anxiously waiting, waiting for time to run,

I wait for the next big thing, the next milestone, hoping it’s the one

The moment where everything makes sense,

The moment when I suddenly have no regrets

Unaware of the time that slips through my fingers, like sand on a warm beach bay

Not paying attention to the little gifts that life gives me every day

The tiny instances of joy, comfort, and gratification

A funny joke, a new destination 

A brush of hands, the feeling of rain

The beating of your heart when that person calls your name

Time is fickle and often takes a lot away,

but I’ve learned to stop wishing for it to go astray

The nature of time makes moments special, unreplicable,

so we should enjoy all of time’s small miracles

The author's comments:

This piece talks about time, specifically how we should appreciate all of the small moments of life and make the most out of them!

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