I Come From | Teen Ink

I Come From

April 6, 2021
By agruber25 BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
agruber25 BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I come from a neighborhood with doors

that are locked and don’t open

Dogs barking and streams flowing

Fish jumping in the grass

Turtles and snakes

If you aren’t careful they’ll bite

I come from crystal waters

Dangerous creatures, swimming

Running and laughing as loud as we can

Till cars and miles separated us

I come from sun shining 

But now it's snow falling

Almost always missing you and your house

The one that used to be mine

Now I sit up here

With three extra people 

I come from reading

I come from coded messages 

now it's all phone calls

I have a bigger house

friends, family, and pets

Some still there with you 

I come from green and wet grass

To the cold and frozen ice

Be careful don’t fall in

I come from swimming every day

To swimming 3 times a year

I come from dog walks at 6 am

To school at 6 am

Busses, bells, and kids chattering

Pencils scribbling, essays being written

I still miss you but I could never live there again

Just planes, planes, planes

The author's comments:

Just a little story about moving 

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