Snatching Quicksilver | Teen Ink

Snatching Quicksilver

March 27, 2021
By jadynwrites BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
jadynwrites BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend." - Freddie Mercury

My dreams sail above my head,

Like magic carpets floating through time.

I lie under the labyrinth of constellations,

With the sweet night air on my tongue.

I try to seize a dream by its tail,

But it is like trying to snatch quicksilver. 

Every time, it slips through my fingers,

Leaving me with a fallen face,

And empty dreams. 

When I get home each night,

I glance in the mirror.

I rake my hands through my hair,

Feeling bits of entangled stardust.

As the glimmering bits seep into the drain,

Those far-fetched hopes leak through me. 

Sometimes I leave my window open,

In case I look outside,

And see a dream has caught its tail,

Or has collided with the window,

Like a dove strikes glass.

I can nurse the dream back to health,

And perhaps keep it for myself…

This went on for years.

The clocks never ceased spinning.

The dread never stopped spreading.

I looked up the word faith in the dictionary,

For I had forgotten its meaning.

One night I gazed out the window so long,

I had finally turned to stone.

I vowed never to dream again,

And never to doubt the haters,

Or unbelievers,

Because they were all right.

Life’s a sadistic game,

And I had lost too much to it. 

So I fell asleep that night,

My mouth quirked up at the corner,

Only to be awoken by a thump on my pane.

I stood slowly from my bed,

And approached the window.

I looked down through the glass,

Only to see a snow white dove lying there.

The author's comments:

This poem is about never letting go of dreams no matter how impossible they may seem. Dreams are the guiding lights in our lives. They are something to always reach for. They're the white dove in the sky that flies above your head on rainy days. Dreams are real. Don't let them slip through your fingers. Remember and achieve your dreams.

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