Calc Homework | Teen Ink

Calc Homework

March 10, 2021
By 1kroneberg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
1kroneberg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Late at night, what will I do?

Youtube, or maybe Hulu?

No, no I can’t do that tonight.

The calc homework is already my plight.

Ten o’clock,

I’m ready to rock.

Ten problems are my assignment I see.

How bad can they possibly be?

I open the heavy book.

Let me take a look.

The smell is musty.

I hope that my brain is not rusty.

I gain an immediate sense of dread,

And my confidence drops like lead.

Four parts to just one problem?

Do I really have to solve them?

I give a long sigh.

My mouth is dry.

But I know I have to do it.

I would never quit.

For the first problem, I crank the math out.

This was not the time to pout.

I look at the clock, the time I try to glean...


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