Just a Game | Teen Ink

Just a Game

January 1, 2020
By rpettit BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
rpettit BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You think life is like a game of chess, 

cold lifeless marble to move across the board, 

you think people are predictable,

constrained to movements unbeknownst to them, 

but only you understand, like a god,  

cold calculating, everything is just a puzzle, 

take the queen and become the last king, 

failures played with a fury, 

half-drunk on power, half-drunk on naivety, 

comforted by understanding,

pieces fall, you laugh,

life is just the flow and ebb of calculation,

it’s funny, you can’t see your reflection in the marble.

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