Water Eyes | Teen Ink

Water Eyes

January 1, 2020
By rpettit BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
rpettit BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Light pools into the water illuminating hues of blue and green, the same colors as her eyes.

Wind blows, ripples and waves pulsing across the water flowing gently like the sway of her hair.

I see myself in the water, I see her in the water, but when I rake my hand through, the image distorts and she is gone.

The closer I get the less I see,


whichever way I turn whatever way I look her dazzling smile greets me,

but it seems no matter what I do, she will never begin to see.

Water trickles down my face, part of her leaving.

It’s for the best I whisper and plunge myself deep, 

immersing myself into the love that I keep.

The water darkens, the sky grays, I watch my true love float away.

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