Stop and Breath | Teen Ink

Stop and Breath

December 3, 2019
By joshiv GOLD, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
joshiv GOLD, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames, we are all just stars that have people names.” - Nikita Gill

I don’t know to think about anymore

But I can’t stop thinking

Random thoughts fly and whiz through my mind

And you keep popping back up in my head

But I don’t know you

You’re just a figment of my imagination 

And when I think of you I feel all warm, and happy

I’ve never been in love 

But I want to be

I want to be cared for and cradled, and cuddled

I want to feel

More than just pain, hurt, and sadness

I want to scream and yell and do something

Rather than just sit there and brood

Over nothing

A guy in a show once said that “You know, your thoughts never stop. Even when you’re sleeping,”

If there only was a way

To stop my thoughts for a second and breath

To stop the stress, depression, anxiety and millions of other problems I can’t even name, that are coursing through my veins

If there was just a way

To stop my thoughts for a second and 

Just breath

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