Au Revoir (Goodbye Until We Meet Again) | Teen Ink

Au Revoir (Goodbye Until We Meet Again)

August 2, 2019
By alyssasimone GOLD, Staten Island, New York
alyssasimone GOLD, Staten Island, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take !!!

"Au revoir," you whispered,

The phrase lingering in the heavy, summer air.

Would we really meet again?

I watched as you kissed the setting sun,

Sent your soul up to the violet sky,

And let your words spill through your fingers.

My world remained silent,

And it seemed to be shrinking.

Tree branches swayed with the breeze,

And you slowly walked away,

Taking with you a lifetime of memories

I wrapped into your skin.

I would never see your smiles again,

The really big ones that almost

Fell off your face.

I wouldn't see your seafoam eyes

Which seemed to laugh whenever

We were together.

They spoke in poetic sentences

When your mouth was too scared to,

And saved me from drowning in my own body.

I stare and stare until all I

Can see is darkness,

In a place much too big for me

To conquer alone.

I pretend I am seeing myself from your eyes,

Watching a broken girl frantically writing

In a worn notebook with dog-eared pages,

Her jet black hair covering her tears.

She can only breathe words

And relies on her pen to carry them

Out of her heart.

She's thinking back to that day

When you left,

When the universe tasted sour,

And no matter how many times she

Tries to replay the moment,

The only words she can remember are

Au revoir

- Goodbye until we meet again

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